Monday, 23 November 2015

Nursing Revalidation Tips

Let's be honest? Everyone loves some great tips, especially if it helps us with something that we are not very familiar.

Here are some tips for nurse’s revalidation on the renewal of your NMC Pin. If you have any information to share then feel free to contact us.

Give yourself at least six months to complete the extension. Remember, it is not simply a matter of throwing papers together, it should also allow the subconscious part of your mind to prepare reflective pieces.If you are closer to revalidation, you need to get your portfolio signed off early and do not leave it until the last minute. Keep a portfolio of your previous appraisals, even after your confirmation is done.

Talk to someone who has already gone through the process. Ask questions and take notes, so what is required is clear. You never know, when you could be helpful to someone in the near future.
Always link your discussions, reflections and comments to the appropriate parts of the NMC Code. Your Appraiser and the Confirmer should consider how the two are related (Prioritise people, exercise effectively, safety promotion, increase professionalism and trust).

Keep all your qualifications in one place, and add your thoughts in the back of the certificate, while they are still fresh in your mind. They will help you, if you need to add your thoughts into your portfolio.

Not only to read articles before your due date for revalidation; take time to digest them for the whole year and save on your computer. It is also a good idea to take notes while you read, and also you can review concerns in the future.Look for support groups, forums and interactive sessions. They are often from nurses or senior experts on revalidation, who have undergone the procedure or know the process like the back of their hand.

Gather information from your manager and nurse colleagues working with you. If you have a good relationship with a patient then take the chance to obtain information and feedback, but always get authorisation from them.

Take part in quizzes and surveys, as and when they come. Give your opinion on how to improve future processes. Last but not least, you should try and have fun! It's a big boost for the nursing community and the ability to illustrate how wonderful nursing can be!

We hope these tips for nursing revalidation will help you prepare for the process. A great place to start is making sure that you are keeping notes throughout your day. These notes will become a huge help with the revalidation process. As we mentioned, if you have your own tips then share them with us. We can then update our tips for nurse’s revalidation and/or publish a new list. This will help ensure that all nurses are able to effectively learn from each other. After all, that is one of the goals of the whole process. For more advanced nursing revalidation tips click here  Brought to you by Foday k. Ceesay, a nurse entrepreneur and publisher.

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